Saturday, March 14, 2009


It is said that two things drive the world---money and sex......but I'll say no...its money and religion , which drives the world towards ARMAGEDDON--'eternal doom'.Money and Sex actually seem to have branched from the same tree of Self Pleasure.
The real problem is -----money ----as said hundred of times,but there's more to it...its money ..yes!!, but not just money... its actually our selfishness....our greed to live grandly.....we want to live a life where we have accessibility to every riches of the world..all the comfort for us and our family....even if we our worth it or not ,we don't want to question our credibilities or abilities...Here I am talking about the amateurs like the politicians,terrorists who have sold their values and even their nation...just to fill in their lockers...which they think will bring them all the happiness in the world...But alas! the rule of the world is such that even if, we forget the wrong done by us....the wrong does not forget comes back to us,in the form of sleepless nights ,diseases and eternal tensions....Its like the Third Law of Newton stating "every action has equal and opposite reaction".....but we remain ignorant of the reactions caused by our actions in our lives. Religion is seen very often as a problem...but it is ,actually, the most important and complex kind of a problem.Most of the massacres of all the times have been caused by the conflict between it the world war of 1914's or war between nations like Palestine/Israel ,india/pakistan,iraq/ name a few.Thousands of years have passed ..but to the no good of mankind .Since times enumerable, the communities have slayed eachother and still seem adamant on doing so ,on and on again,to satiate their religious egoes.Communal riots add to the nation's pathos which is already in economical and developmental clutter, thus further inhibiting nation's development.The most appaling aspect of religion what.. makes it so different from the other factor- money.Money surely has dreadful impact..but it's severity is still insubstantial as compared to the harrowing effect caused by religious collisions. The Human slaughter...for cases of monetary extortions like robberies ,burgalaries is still not that alarming as that by religious outrage.TERRORISM and RIOTS stand out as terrifying outcome.Millions of innocent lives are lost.. on an annual account.. that too with utmost brutality,which breach every sentiment of humanity.The tragedy is such that the havoc created does not end up here, but keeps on looming large in the minds of the affected.The feeling of REVENGE generates a never-ending cycle of more such human carnages.Now the question arises ,why is RELIGION so much devastating? It is because a person acquires money for self pleasure..that is ..he does it for SELF ..but it's not the case with Terrorist ..he's more of a SELFLESS being ..that is what makes him stand out as an effigy of DESTRUCTION.His mind and soul both unite for 'global demolition'.Hence, Religion has more dreadful impact on the society.